Empower People
Engage Stakeholders
Enhance Collective Solutions


It’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure good working conditions and human rights compliance in the organization and the supply chain. Empowering and enabling the workers to actively engage in problem-solving mechanisms and the case managers to handle and manage the issues effectively and promptly will minimize conflicts and violations, leading to sustainable growth and solutions for all. 

Who we are?

BRIDGE Box is a robust end-to-end grievance handling and problem-solving platform. It offers a secure and confidential channel for workers to share solutions, express feelings, voice concerns, and seek assistance anonymously. This confidentiality is a cornerstone of our platform, ensuring that all users feel safe and secure. It also serves as a case management platform for organizations, valuing the input of all stakeholders in creating and monitoring remediation plans jointly.

We believe in people’s capacity and enhance all parties’ collaboration to solve community problems. Just as a bridge is constructed from both sides, so is a healthy relationship. 

At BRIDGE Box, we strengthen the capacities of all parties involved and foster collaboration to solve problems together. The platform engages people, enhances problem-solving, and embeds trust within the organization and among stakeholders in the supply chain. 

We have initiated the BRIDGE Model, a powerful framework for empowering dialogue and joint problem-solving in various contexts, including workplace settings, community development initiatives, conflict resolution, and team collaborations. Here’s how each element of the BRIDGE Model can contribute to this process…

For Employee


BRIDGE Box is designed to empower workers and marginalized individuals. It provides a platform for them to voice their problems, provide feedback, engage in two-way communication with case managers, and endorse remediation actions. This emphasis on empowerment fosters a sense of control and confidence in workers, making them feel more valued and integral to the process.

Anonymous reporting

BRIDGE Box enables workers to report concerns anonymously, overcoming barriers such as fear of retaliation or stigma. It provides a safe and confidential space for workers to express their concerns in their preferred language.

Secured reporting channels

BRIDGE Box offers secured reporting channels through a mobile application, ensuring workers or their representatives can report concerns without fearing retaliation. This commitment to security and confidentiality fosters a sense of trust and safety in the reporting process, making workers feel more comfortable and secure in sharing their concerns.

Case management

BRIDGE Box provides case management tools that keep workers informed about the progress of their concerns, provide updates on the status of their cases, and ask for feedback on remedial actions. This fosters a sense of control, transparency, and trust in the reporting process.

Supportive communication

BRIDGE Box offers a communication platform that delivers information and video tutorials to address knowledge gaps, reduce misunderstandings, and increase awareness promptly.

For Organization

BRIDGE Box provides case management tools that keep workers informed about the progress of their concerns, provide updates on the status of their cases, and ask for feedback on remedial actions. This fosters a sense of control, transparency, and trust in the reporting process.

BRIDGE Box serves as an early warning system, identifying potential sustainability risks related to human rights practices. It collects data on worker concerns and issues, alerting organizations to possible risks and allowing proactive action.

BRIDGE Box provides extensive and timely data on worker concerns and issues, encompassing health and safety, wages and benefits, working conditions, discrimination, and other human rights matters. This complete picture aids organizations in making informed decisions regarding sustainability.

BRIDGE Box enables benchmarking of labor practices and sustainability performance, ensuring compliance with HRDD and ESG standards. By comparing data across the supply chain, companies can identify leaders and areas for improvement.

BRIDGE Box facilitates measuring the impact of company investments on worker well-being and sustainability performance. Tracking worker concerns over time enables the assessment of the effectiveness of labor practice improvements.

BRIDGE Box provides a transparent and accessible platform, enabling companies, NGOs, and investors to identify and mitigate sustainability risks within their supply chains. This transparency fosters trust and accountability and supports transitioning to a more sustainable labor ecosystem.

BRIDGE Box offers a streamlined platform for cooperation between workers, suppliers, buyers, and/or NGOs or other parties. By connecting stakeholders and facilitating communication through structured grievance handling, BRIDGE accelerates progress toward shared goals and improves outcomes for all parties.

BRIDGE Box is designed to help companies and stakeholders meet regulatory requirements related to HRDD and relevant standards. It provides a comprehensive monitoring, reporting, and remediation platform, mitigating legal and reputational risks.

BRIDGE Box generates a comprehensive report that includes demographic data of users and collaborators, issues of concern, case duration, communication details, and remediation efforts. This report assists companies in making informed decisions and shaping short and long-term business and human rights strategies. 


To ensure user-friendliness and cultural sensitivity, BRIDGE Box’s application design process has incorporated input from representatives of civil society organizations, workers’ representatives, suppliers, and brands. 

The design of the mobile application enables less power distance with multiple languages, is not threatening, is easy to use, and can submit various issues on behalf of others (who could not access the platform), responding to the collectivist culture of the app users. It offers a space for users to share feelings, which allows the case manager to investigate the issue more deeply and read between the lines of what workers want to express. 

In the meantime, the design of the case-management web application serves transparency and functionality and is easy for case managers to use.

Demo and Free Trial

Download the Application from IOS
and Android (searching BRIDGE Box)