Assessment and Research

Human Rights Impact Assessment

At The Decent, our Human Rights Impact Assessment service is designed to evaluate and enhance the human rights practices within your organization. We conduct thorough assessments to identify potential human rights risks and impacts associated with your operations, supply chains, and business practices. Our expert team provides actionable insights and recommendations to ensure compliance with international human rights standards and foster a positive impact on communities and stakeholders. By integrating these assessments into your strategic planning, you can proactively address risks, uphold ethical practices, and demonstrate your commitment to human rights.

Social Compliance Assessment

Our Social Compliance Assessment service helps to ensure that your business practices meet your client’s social responsibility standards and international social compliance requirements. We analyze your operations, supply chains, and corporate policies and practices to evaluate adherence to social compliance regulations and ethical guidelines. Our detailed assessments cover vital areas such as social compliance management system, labor practices, health and safety standards, and environmental impact. With our expertise, you’ll gain a clear understanding of compliance gaps and receive practical recommendations to enhance your social responsibility efforts. This service helps mitigate risks and strengthens your reputation as a responsible and ethical business.
